Chetcuti Cauchi’s tax team is a respected boutique tax advisory practice with a breadth of industry expertise largely disproportionate to its size. In addition to advising our clients, Chetcuti Cauchi is often retained by other law firms to provide tax advice to their clients. Our tax lawyers are experienced in an extensive list of tax-related issues, positioning Chetcuti Cauchi as the tax law firm of choice for clients who recognize the value of thorough representation on tax-sensitive issues.
Our major areas of our practice include: corporate tax, personal taxation, property tax, e-commerce tax, international tax, energy tax, employee tax, value added tax, trusts and estate planning, investment funds tax and tax disputes.
Table of Contents
Personal & Corporate Tax Compliance
We represent individual and commercial clients in matters having tax implications, identifying and addressing domestic and international tax issues, structuring transactions in such a way as to avoid or minimize taxes in each pertinent jurisdiction.
Our in-house Accounting and Tax Unit handles income tax, VAT and other tax returns. We also provide representation with the Inland Revenue and VAT Departments in cases of assessments or other challenges to tax returns.
International Tax Planning
Our tax lawyers are foremost specialists in their field. Tax planning is our main focus, particularly with the use of Maltese International Trading Companies, Holding Companies and, where applicable, Trusts to legally minimise taxation of business operations. We can combine Maltese components with existing international tax plans as well as work out independent tailored personal and business tax solutions for small owner-managed companies seeking to compete in the international arena.
We understand the importance of ensuring our clients’ unlimited access to and free use of the proceeds of their labour and we keep our structures as simple and easy to use as possible. However, we do not underestimate the importance of long-term planning and the implications of a constantly changing regulatory environment and remain continuously abreast with the daily changes in national and international tax laws.
Our Tax Lawyers
Dr. Priscilla Mifsud-Parker
BA, MA(FinServ), LLD, TEP Trusts, Tax & Immigration Priscilla is a private client lawyer heading the corporate, trusts, & fintech, as well as the Families & Wealth practice within the firm In this capacity, she specialises in trusts and...[full profile]

Expat Tax Consultants in Malta
Our Malta expatriate tax lawyers and in-house accountants serve a significant expatriate client...[read more]

Malta Double Tax Treaties
Malta Double Tax Treaties Currently in Force in Malta Below is a list of countries with whom there...[read more]

Tax of Entertainers
Entertainment activities in Malta Maltese law provides for the tax treatment of income derived by a...[read more]

Value Added Tax (VAT)
As a full member of the European Union since the 1st May 2004, Malta forms part of the EU VAT...[read more]